Workshop on MeitY’s “AI Governance Guidelines Development Report”


22nd January 2025


India International Centre, New Delhi

AIKC organised an interactive workshop to discuss MeitY’s draft “AI Governance Guidelines Development Report”. Stakeholders and members who ranged across academia, think tanks, private sector, law firms took part to delve into key aspects of the government’s recently released report, focusing on: (a) the outlined first-principles, (b) the key laws and issues highlighted, (c) the recommendations. 

The agenda followed some key themes and broad driving questions linked to the MeitY report:  

  •  Technology and Its Unique Regulatory Context: What makes AI distinct in the regulatory landscape, and how should governance frameworks categorise AI systems?  
  • Generalisability of Principles: Are the governance principles (e.g., transparency, accountability) applicable across AI systems and contexts, or do they need customisation? If the latter, what are the recommendations towards this? 
  • Completeness of Legal-Regulatory Frameworks in India: How adequate are India’s existing laws to manage AI-related risks? Is the legal-regulatory / gaps section of the report complete?
  • Suitability of Recommendations: Are the recommendations provided in the report practical and aligned with India’s needs? What refinements or alternative approaches could enhance their effectiveness?  

The outcome document will be made available shortly.